Category: Wrongful Death

July 1, 2019 / Wrongful Death
How Do You Prove Wrongful Death?
The unexpected death of someone you love turns your world upside down. The person who has always been there for you is gone, and the emotional and financial fallout is life-shattering. When your loss is something that could have been prevented — that’s due to the negligence or wrongful acts of another person or business — the toll may be even more difficult to bear. How do you prove wrongful death? If you’ve lost a spouse, child, or parent and someone else is at fault, our wrongful death lawyer at Stephenson Rife will work hard to uncover the evidence, build an airtight case, and win you the damages you deserve. No amount of money will bring your loved one back, but you can hold the responsible party accountable. What Is Wrongfu[...]

June 3, 2019 / Wrongful Death
Legal Options When Your Loved One Dies in a Car Accident
Most of us think nothing of hopping in the car to get from Point A to Point B, and we do it multiple times per day. It often doesn’t hit home how dangerous the roads are until the unthinkable happens, and yet the “unthinkable” happens surprisingly often. According to the Indiana University Public Policy Institute, 911 people died in a traffic accident in Indiana in 2017. While fatalities in the state reached an all-time low in 2014, they’ve ticked upward since then. Drivers who are impaired due to alcohol or drugs, distracted by their phones, or otherwise not paying attention are a huge problem in the state and nationally. The commute home from work, a trip to the gym, a milk run to the store -- any of these routine activities[...]

May 29, 2019 / Wrongful Death
Are You Eligible to File for a Wrongful Death Claim?
Losing a close family member under any circumstance is devastating and life-changing. When the death is unexpected, the mourning process is compounded by shock, uncertainty, and fear for the future. You may have been financially dependent on that person. At the very least, you will face funeral and burial costs and the monumental work of sorting out your loved one’s affairs for them. If your family member’s passing is the result of negligence or the actions of another party, it meets the definition of wrongful death. And you may be entitled to compensation. Mike Stephenson is an experienced and compassionate Indianapolis wrongful death lawyer who will fight to win the damages you deserve so you can focus on grieving and, eventually, [...]

March 18, 2019 / Wrongful Death
How to File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Indiana
If a member of your immediate family was killed due to negligence or an intentional act of another, you need to know how to file a wrongful death lawsuit in Indiana to seek compensation for your loss. You need to learn who can file these types of legal actions and what can be sought by them are controlled by Indiana statutes and court cases interpreting them. In order to file a wrongful death lawsuit, the following must be met: The deceased apparently died due to negligence or because of an intentional act of another, You are allowed by statute to benefit from the lawsuit, You seek damages allowed by state statute, and The filing occurs within two years of the person’s death. The deceased apparently died due to neglige[...]
January 18, 2018 / Wrongful Death
Types of Wrongful Death Damages in Indiana
We say that a wrongful death has occurred when someone has died due to the carelessness, negligence, or wrongful actions of another party or parties. In such a case, a lawsuit can be filed on behalf of family members who are suffering from the loss of companionship and financial support that the deceased would have provided. Wrongful deaths can occur in cases of medical malpractice, work accidents, and personal injury situations (such as vehicular crashes) when negligence is involved. A wrongful death suit enables you to ask for damages. Damages, a legal concept, are monetary and are intended to make the survivors whole again. While no amount of money can compensate for the loss of a loved one, damages can ease the way of dependents left[...]